
Močnik Ltd Novaki

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Family business

Jožef Močnik
Močnik Ltd Novaki is a family business, that was founded by Jožef Močnik. The beginnings go back to 1989/90 when the company offered services of sawing logs and selling wood. In 1990 the company was restructured as Ltd and started producing pallets for the Italian market. The production grew year by year and in 1998 we constructed a production line as it stands today.

Močnik Ltd is a small company. The owner of the company is Jožef Močnik. The CEO is his son Jaka Močnik. The company today has 35 employees.

We are recognized as one of the most successful SMEs in the area of Cerkljansko. Our competitive edge is our flexibility and tailoring our services to the needs of our customers. Our products are custom made and cost-efficient.
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Important events in the business 
life of the company


Establishment of the company

In 1989, Jožef Močnik started a company that was offering services of sawing logs and selling wood.


Establishment of the Ltd

In 1990 restructuring into Ltd followed and we started producing pallets for the Italian market.


Expansion of production

As the production grew year by year, in 1998 we constructed the production line that stands today.


Extension of activities to transport

Because of our own needs in 2007, we added transport services to our offerings. We bought two trucks.


Purchase of a pallet production line

As the number of orders grew over the years, it meant that producing pallets by hand wasn't enough anymore. So in 2008, we invested (the biggest investment at the time) in purchasing a production line for pallet production. In effect, the number of employees also increased. Today we have two production lines for pallets.


Searching for new markets

Because of the 2009 economical crisis in Slovenia, we had to search for new markets. We started doing business with Bosnia and Herzegovina and selling firewood.


Expanding business to more new markets

Until 2015 the company has expanded its operations even further. We are doing business now in Slovenia, Italy, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, and Austria.


Equipment modernization

In 2015 we have modernized our production lines and equipment. Which meant new saw to cut logs and a new production line for producing pallets.


Purchase of new trucks

Because of the need to transport logs we purchased two new trucks for easier transport.


Production line update

In 2018 we updated our production even further with a new saw to cut logs and we also replaced some other machines with new ones.


New wood chopping machine

To make it easier and speed up our process of firewood production, we bought a new wood-chopping machine.

Our main field of business is C16.240 - Production of wooden packaging.
The industry has a trend of growth every year. Both income and profit are increasing.
A small drop of income and profit was recorded only in 2008 when the economical crisis emerged.

30 let tradicije

Company vision

We strive to be effective, flexible, and successful as entrepreneurs in the field of the lumber and transport industry. In the future, we want to expand and prosper in all our fields of business. We are successfully following and adapting to the ever-changing demands of the domestic and international market of the lumber and transport industry.

Company mission

In the company Močnik Ltd Novaki, we strive to perform our business operations with effectiveness and responsibility. We buy all types of forest wood in Slovenia. Our mission is to do business thoughtful, effective, and for the benefit of ourselves and our customers. The difference between where we are now and where we want to be in the future is, that in the future we want to be more recognizable and even more effective, to develop and modernize ourselves on the lumber and transport industry. To continue our good work in the current markets and expand to new ones.

Our company in numbers

25.000 m3
purchased and
wood yearly
16 vehicles
for transport in
our rolling stock
different countries where
we do business

If you have any logs in stock, something to cut or transport, get in touch with us.

Get in touch

Need firewood? Order now.

+386 5 3775 343